Friday, April 13, 2012

Group of One Garage Sale Bargain

A bargain hunter cruising a Lyndhurst, Ontario garage sale has hit the jackpot after spending $100 on artworks that turned out to be by an inconic member of the Group of One... probably worth $110. The artist's wife, aka "Dumpster Chick" recently downsized the studio of Group of One founding member "Phil the Forecaster" and decided these works must go. Stay tuned for more developments ...

The Group of One artist who couldn't be reached for comment, feels that society is completely missing the point. Art is not about money and profit but about beauty and self expression. Art is not about size and consumption but appreciating the simple things around us... like the environment and especially the weather. Some things are eternal truths and money and wealth are not among those.

The Group of One artist continues to salute the inspiration of Tom Thomson and the Group of Seven. They have made a great living from their art after they died and Phil the Forecaster hopes to do the same some day ... but not today!

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